Aloe barberae bainesii


Common Names

Tree aloe (english)Boomaalwyn (afrikaans)Ikhala (xhosa)Umpondonde (zulu)


Genus Aloe
Species barberae
Sub Specie bainesii
SA Plant Number 28
Basionym Aloe barberae bainesii


Aloe barberae (bainesii) is a surprisingly hardy, large, evergreen, tree-like Aloe, which can tolerate high rainfall. It has beautiful rough bark which shines when it catches the sun.

The long thin leaves arch gracefully away from the centre of the rosettes. It bears pinky-orange flowers from April to June that have copious nectar.

The flowers attract sunbirds and insects, which in turn attract insectivorous birds. Grows well in Highveld gardens in sheltered positions but needs well-drained soil.

This, the largest of all the Aloes, is an ideal form plant in the garden, will grow in semi-shade and makes a good container plant.

Because of its huge, robust size it is best planted in large gardens but for smaller gardens limit its size by planting in containers where it will also thrive.

Size up to 18m


Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Aloe barberae bainesii seeds.


Birds: Sunbirds and other nectivorous birds are attracted by the flowers.

Insects: Bees and other pollinating insects attracted by the flowers.


Form / Accent plant: Magnificent form plant for the larger garden. For a small garden, it is best to keep this Aloe in a pot to restrict the size it grows to.


Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape

Biome:Forest, Thicket

Habitat:Forested Ravines, Rugged Mountainsides


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